The products listed on this page are available in our museum shop.

Books and Catalogues

Proportionalzirkel und seltene Mathematik- und Zeicheninstrumente des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts

Available in German and English

Ina Prinz, Patrick Rocca

Sectors and rare mathematical and drawing instruments from the 17th and 18th century

Available in German and English.

Ina Prinz, Patrick Rocca

Arithmaurel - The Prototype of an Ingenious Calculator

Ina Prinz, Patrick Rocca

Arithmeum Press, Bonn 2023.

Exhibition catalogue „Mathematics and aesthetics of chip design“

Arithmeum, Berlin/Heidelberg 1999

599 pages


Available in English and German.

Seh(n)sucht - Werke von Elena Lux-Marx

Hrsg. Ina Prinz, Bonn 2019. 95 Seiten.

Bilingual English and German.
200 Jahre Universität Bonn - 200 Werke aus der Sammlung Arithmeum

Hrsg. Ina Prinz, Bonn 2018. 223 Seiten.

Only available in German.
Volume of Texts - Exhibition Catalogue

Arithmeum, Computing in Old and Modern Times. Bonn 1999.

Also available in German.
Andreas Brandt in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2004. 55 p., 30 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Reckoning with Beads

Hrsg. Ina Prinz. Nicolai Verlag 2015. 114 Seiten.

Also available in German.
color and mind

Hrsg. Ina Prinz. Nicolai Verlag Berlin 2014. 129 Seiten.


Also available in German.
Slide Rules in the Arithmeum - The collection Schuitema.

Editor: Ina Prinz. Nicolai Verlag. 234 p., 430 color prints.

Also available in German.
Historical calculating machines


Patrimonia 353

ISSN 0941-7036.



Only available in German.
Ina Prinz (Hg.): Deutsche Rechenbücher des 16. Jahrhunderts

Johannes Widmann, Adam Ries, Christoff Rudolff, Johann Albrecht. Mit Begleitband "Rechnen wie die Meister" von Ina Prinz.

Jo Niemeyer im Arithmeum

Hrsg. Ina Prinz. Nicolai Verlag Berlin 2009. 95 Seiten, 82 farbige Abbildungen.

Bilingual English and German.
Terry Haass im Arithmeum

Hrsg. Ina Prinz, Bonn 2008. 35 Seiten, 20 farbige Abbildungen.

Bilingual English and German.
Intuitive und konstruktive Geometrie

Hrsg. Ina Prinz, Bonn 2008. 115 Seiten, 124 farbige Abbildungen.

Bilingual English and German.
Leo Breuer in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2000. 58 p., 19 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Gerard Doehler in the Arithmeum
Bilingual English and German.
Matti Kujasalo in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2005. 59 p., 44 prints, 17 of them colored.

Bilingual English and German.
The Mechanical Calculating Machine of Johann Christoph Schuster 1820/22

Editor: Kulturstiftung der Länder in Cooperation with the Arithmeum, Bonn 2004, 118 p., 158 prints.

Also available in German.
Adolf Richard Fleischmann in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2002. 59 p., 41 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Bob Bonies in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2003. 47 p., 31 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Günter Fruhtrunk in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2002. 50 p., 25 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Auguste Herbin. Alphabet plastique

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2002. 59 p., 32 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
French Geometric Constructivist Art Yesterday and Today in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2001. 72 p., 32 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Leon Polk Smith in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2001. 79 p., 37 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Geometrisch-konstruktive Kunst aus Ungarn. Reale und virtuelle Räume im Arithmeum

Hrsg. Ina Prinz, Bonn 2007. 59 Seiten, 33 farbige Abbildungen.

Bilingual English and German.
The Erling Neby Collection in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2000. 58 p., 25 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Elena Lux-Marx in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 2000. 39 p., 17 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.
Science and Art

Speeches by Klaus Borchard, Wolfgang Clement, Bärbel Dieckmann and Bernhard Korte at the opening ceremony for the Arithmeum on 8. September 1999.

Only available in German.
The Art of Calculating

The last artefact of Johann Christoph Schuster.
6,40 €
Speeches by Klaus Borchard, Gerhard Schröder, Wolfgang Clement, Karin v. Welck and Bernhard Korte...

Only available in German.
Making Science Intelligible

Speeches by Klaus Borchard, Johannes Rau, Paul Mikat, Karsten Mohr and Bernhard Korte at the key handing over ceremony for the Research Institute for...

Only available in German.
The Japanese Abacus

The japanese Abacus, Kojima, Takash. Its use and theory.

Josua Reichert in the Arithmeum

Editor: Ina Prinz. Bouvier Bonn 1999. 55 p., 32 color prints.

Bilingual English and German.

Images of Computing in Old and Modern Times.

Editors and authors of the text: Annegret Kehrbaum, Bernhard Korte.

Bilingual English and German.
Mathematics, Reality and Aesthetics

A Picture Set on VLSI Chip Design, with 65 Figures.

Bilingual English and German.
About the History of Mechanical Calculating, by Bernhard Korte

Speech by Bernhard Korte at the 57th General Meeting of the Society of Friends and Sponsors of the University of Bonn (GEFFRUB) on 14 June 1980.

Only available in German.