Special Exhibitions

The Arithmeum arranges special exhibitions from time to time which focus on one or other of the various thematic areas covered by the Arithmeum.

Apart from special exhibitions on topics such as cryptography, medieval reckoning masters and the history of the slide rule, art exhibitions take place regularly.

Current Special Exhibitions in the Arithmeum:

since 08. June 2024

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Public guided tours: Sundays at 4.30 p.m.

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Past Special Exhibitions in the Arithmeum

Public tour: Every Saturday at 5 pm.

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Öffentliche Führung: Jeden Sonntag um 16:30 Uhr

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Highlights aus dem Science Museum London, dem Göteborg Stadsmuseum und dem Musée Historique Strasbourg

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Der Abakus und seine Geschichte

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Die Sammlung Schuitema

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