International Museum Day

Museums and their young Visitors

11 a.m.: How to avoid mental arithmetic

Since the days of the 17th century mathematicians, inventors and constructors have been trying to build gadgets which make arithmetic easy. A tour for families of the Arithmeum Collection of such machines.

1 p.m.: Squares, Circles and Triangles

A tour for children of the Arithmeum Collection of geometric-constructivist art. Each child will construct a miniature model of the sculpture of the Norwegian artist Lars-Gunnar Nordström.

2 p.m.: How is a Computer Chip made?

A special exhibition for young visitors shows how a computer chip evolves from the design stage to completion.

3 p.m.: According to Adam Riese, that makes …..

What was it like to be taught by a reckoning master during the Middle Ages? Primary school children can experience this live in the Arithmeum which will be visited by a reckoning master eager to impart his knowledge.

4 p.m.: How is a Computer Chip made?

Special exhibition (see 2 p.m.)

5 p.m.: According to Adam Riese, that makes …..

Learning from a reckoning master (see 3 p.m.)

From noon onwards, parents and children over six years of age may explore the museum on their own. At various stands, visitors are invited to participate creatively in mathematics and art.