The Brown Sisters (USA)

Spirituals and Gospel Songs

Chicago, which is called the "Gospel Mecca" by gospel song lovers, is the home of several famous family groups. Among these are the Brown Sisters with their polished polyphony, which they acquired in early childhood when playing and singing together. Since 1986 they have delighted many audiences throughout USA. Radio, TV and gramophone recordings were the result. In 1999 they made their debut in Europe, and further visits took place in 2001 and 2003, in particular at the Festival des Voix Sacrées in Metz, at the Montreux Jazz Festival and at the UNICEF Gala 2004 in Düsseldorf.

The Brown Sisters study the art of gospel singing with conviction and deeply earnest dedication. When at home in Chicago, the sisters Adrienne, Andrea, Phyllis and Vanessa play an active role in the musical life of the Pillar of Truth Church where their father is vicar.